Business Contacts in One Place

All you need to do before a meeting or a delivery is look into Flexi. It knows everything there is to know about your business partners.

Business contacts at ABRA Flexi

Contacts always at hand

Flexi keeps records of your contacts (suppliers, customers, authorities,…) and allows you to add specific details – address, bank account, maturity period, an overview of supplied or reserved goods and more – according to the type of relationship or communication. The program loads the ID and updates information from the ARES database. You can attach documents, notes, scheduled meetings and tasks to each contact.

What does Flexi look like? Click for a larger image.

Obchodní kontakty v software ABRA Flexi
ABRA Information Systems. Software for successful companies.
Ilustrační: obchodní kontakty v ABRA Flexi

Key Features:

  • Contacts
  • Events and activity
  • Destinations (distinguishes between headquarters and branches)
  • Company groups
  • Invoicing limit
  • Summary invoicing information
  • Event costs

Try Flexi

Some features are currently only available in the older desktop application. Click this link to find regularly updated information.

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